1328 private links
Un fork du générateur d'attestation du gouvernement, plus simple, et qui conserve les champs renseignés.
Also available in 🇺🇸 COVID-19: Simplified movement certificate generator (France)
Un pastebin like minimaliste. J'aime bien.
J'ai fait un petit outil pour convertir les flux RSS tronqués vers des articles complets via un selecteur CSS.
Pour le moment j'ai appliqué la méthode de La R.A.C.H.E donc pas sûr que ça marche au top, mais pour récupérer un blog standard ça fonctionne bien.
J'améliorerais peut être tout ça à l'occasion.
Exemple :
Un outil de partage de fichier en P2P via le navigateur avec WebRTC.
Les sources ici : https://github.com/kern/filepizza
(PS : le TLD en .pizza ? Sérieusement l'ICANN ?)
Orbit is a modern Java framework that makes it easier to build and maintain distributed, secure and scalable online services.
Electronic Arts qui publie un projet sous licence BSD ? Mais quelle mouche les a piqué ?
Ça a été publié avant hier, donc ça n'est pas un poisson d'avril. :)
"Extrait : « Ce site web transforme les corvées quotidiennes en missions et le sentiment du devoir accompli en points d’expérience. »
Ça aurait pu être rigolo à tester si ce n'était pas un service auquel il faut filer autant de données personnelles."
Je l'avais installé y'a... ~ 1 an. Je l'ai utilisé 2 jours parce que c'est rigolo à tester. Mais au final, je jouais plus avec l'outil que je ne l'utilisais réellement.
Mozilla cède à la pression des lobbies et inclus du code fermé pour la diffusion de vidéo avec DRM. C'est un triste jour.
"Aujourd'hui, la NASA rend public un catalogue des codes qui se cachent derrière plus de 1 000 projets développés depuis les années 1960 par l'agence spatiale américaine." [dont ceux de 1969].
Pour la culture. :)
Le seul problème, c'est que du code source qui a 50 ans... :x
PS : Le code est là : http://code.google.com/p/virtualagc/source/browse/ ; il faut suivre 50 liens pour retomber dessus.
Un éditeur LaTeX collaboratif en ligne qui fait le pari de l'open source. Great!
Je vous joins le mail, la partie intéressante étant les raisons qui les ont poussé à passer leur soft en open source :
We're pleased to announce that ShareLaTeX is now open source, and you can grab the code on Github! ShareLaTeX is a web-based real-time collaborative LaTeX editor, and you can now run your own local version where you can host, edit, share and compile your LaTeX documents. We're still 100% focused on running the hosted version at http://www.sharelatex.com, but we want to be more flexible in how you can use ShareLaTeX, and give something back to our wonderful community.
ShareLaTeX editor
We're starting by open-sourcing the core parts of ShareLaTeX, including the editor, the project and document storage systems, and the backend LaTeX compiler that we use. This is only the beginning of our open-source journey though, and we will be open sourcing much more soon. (We still need to review our back-end code and write documentation for the other parts.)
Our main motivation for ShareLaTeX has always been to improve the efficiency of scientists and students around the world. Open sourcing our code base is a natural way to make sure that we can help as many people as possible.
As a small team, we're constantly receiving feature requests that we'd love to implement but don't have the time. We've also had a lot of offers from willing volunteers who we've had to turn away because we didn't have a framework for people to contribute. We hope that by open-sourcing ShareLaTeX we can empower our brilliant community to help improve ShareLaTeX in the ways that you want, without having to wait for the two of us to work down our todo list.
A lot of people have asked to host ShareLaTeX internally due to company guidelines or data privacy concerns. We don't have the resources to support licensed installs at the moment, but we also hate having to say no. With an open-source version of ShareLaTeX, now anyone who wants to run it locally can.
We are still continuing to work on ShareLaTeX full time, and we expect that the time we have to work on new features will only increase in the coming year. (We are starting to look for a front end developer/designer to join our distributed team. If that sounds interesting then please get in touch at team@sharelatex.com.)
If you run into any problems with downloading and setting up ShareLaTeX, please let us know on our issue page.
ShareLaTeX is written in CoffeeScript (and occasionally JavaScript), and our back-end runs on Node.js. Regardless of your experience, we would love to help you get to know the ShareLaTeX code base, and help you contribute your first patch. The code can be found on Github, and an overview of all open issues can be found here. We've got some issues marked as 'good for beginners', but don't let that constrain you! We also have an open chat room for discussing development. Please drop in if you have any questions, or just say hi.
There are also ways to help that aren't all about coding. The whole site could do with the caring touch of a designer, or if you speak a language other than English, then you could help to translate ShareLaTeX. There is LaTeX documentation that needs improving, and we're always keen for bug reports from anyone using the site.
If you would like to discuss this news please head over to our announcement blog post.
Un autre gestionnaire de projets Git open source. Pour l'instant c'est très minimaliste et la démo rame pas mal, mais ça semble assez prometteur. Un projet à suivre.
Hmm je commençais justement à réfléchir à une solution dans ce genre là... Je vais y jeter un oeil prochainement je pense.