1314 private links
You can use simple tricks like:
- Givens should be in the past tense
- Whens should be in the present tense
- Thens should be in the future tense (often using "should" or "will")
Tips to write Behat like tests.
New readonly property feature coming up with PHP 8.1. I still like me some getters, though. But it could be useful in DTO as mentioned in the article.
#PHP Enums vote closes today: 44 yes an 7 no; enums are coming in PHP 8.1!
Un article d'introduction sur les mutation tests en PHP, avec Infection.
Pour avoir déjà joué avec, c'est assez fun, et ça permet de se poser pas mal de questions sur la qualité de notre code. Par contre, c'est très chronophage.
An Enum RFC for PHP was just created! Please pass!
PHP 8.0 a été release et est disponible au téléchargement.
Un article de #blog pour faire le tour des nouveautés des nouveautés.
Pour débugger une requête Guzzle.
Une bibliothèque PHP qui a pour vocation de retourner les jours fériés de chaque pays. Ambitieux.
Could be useful if you have legacy projects that require composer 1.x for some reason.
Aujourd'hui, c'est cadeau, c'est pour moi: une api permettant de créer une image à partir d'un texte, genre pour pimper un peu une citation (d'où le nom fancytation... gag)
Very well written article about composition over inheritance in OOP.
Also the introduction example reminds me about a bunch of projects I had to work on:
Alan Kay, the inventor of the term “object-oriented programming”, told a story once during a talk more than 20 years ago. You can build a dog house using only a hammer, nails, planks, and just a little bit of skill. I figure even I would be able to build it given enough time. Once you've built it you've earned the skills and know-how, and could apply it to other projects. Next, you want to build a cathedral, using the same approach with your hammer, nails, and planks. It's a 100 times larger, but you've done this before — right? It'll only take a little longer.
While the scale went up by a factor of 100, its mass went up by a factor of 1.000.000 and its strength only by 10.000. Inevitably, the building will collapse. Some people plaster over the rubble, make it into a pyramid and say it was the plan all along; but you and I know what really went on.
Un outil pour faire des jolis menu en CLI en PHP. Je me garde ça sous le coude, ça pourrait être intéressant couplé à des commandes Symfony.
A set of good practices for PHP arrays and collection objects. Nothing revolutionary, but these are very good guidelines for any project.