1328 private links
How the industry and our job have evolved since the late 2000's. Back to future vibes in this article, I love it.
Interesting read.
Analyse intéressante. Et je me garde sa matrice de priorité sous le coude.
The vast majority of software services and systems should aim for almost-perfect reliability rather than perfect reliability—that is, 99.999 or 99.99 percent rather than 100 percent—because users cannot tell the difference between a service being 100 percent available and less than "perfectly" available. There are many other systems in the path between user and service (laptop, home WiFi, ISP, the power grid, ...), and those systems collectively are far less than 100 percent available. Thus, the marginal difference between 99.99 percent and 100 percent gets lost in the noise of other unavailability, and the user receives no benefit from the enormous effort required to add that last fractional percent of availability
Un papier détaillé sur la haute dispo et les dépendances d'un service.
How do you generate a random string? ... Put a web designer in front of VIM and tell him to save and exit.
Galileo, le GPS européen, va être mis en route demain (jeudi) ! Pour rappel, la date initiale de mise en service était en... 2008. L'article contient pas mal d'infos, je vous laisse regarder.
À noter tout de même, une étude estime que le marché de la géolocalisation s’élèvera à 244 milliards d'euros en 2020.
On peut espérer que tout se passera bien, et que le système européen grappillera des parts de marchés au GPS américain.