2344 shaares
1313 private links
1313 private links
I just released #Shaarli v0.12.1 with a bunch of new features! 🎉
Shaarli v0.12.1
nginx (#1628) and Apache (#1630) configurations have been reviewed. It is recommended that you
update yours using the documentation.
Users using official Docker image will receive updated configuration automatically.
- Bulk creation of bookmarks
- Server administration tool page (and install page requirements)
- Support any tag separator, not just whitespaces
- Share a private bookmark using a URL with a token
- Add a setting to retrieve bookmark metadata asynchronously (enabled by default)
- Highlight fulltext search results
- Weekly and monthly view/RSS feed for daily page
- MarkdownExtra formatter
- Default formatter: add a setting to disable auto-linkification
- Add mutex on datastore I/O operations to prevent data loss
- PHP 8.0 support
- REST API: allow override of creation and update dates
- Add strict types for bookmarks management
- Improve regex and performances to extract HTML metadata (title, description, etc.)
- Support using Shaarli without URL rewriting (prefix URL with
) - Improve the "Manage tags" tools page
- Use PSR-3 logger for login attempts
- Move utils classes to Shaarli\Helper namespace and folder
- Include php-simplexml in Docker image
- Raise 404 error instead of 500 if permalink access is denied
- Display error details even with dev.debug set to false
- Reviewed nginx configuration
- Reviewed Apache configuration
- Replace vimeo link in demo bookmarks due to IP ban on the demo instance
- Apply PSR-12 on code base, and add CI check using PHPCS
- Compatiliby issue on login with PHP 7.1
- Japanese translations update
- Redirect to referrer after bookmark deletion
- Inject ROOT_PATH in plugin instead of regenerating it everywhere
- Wallabag plugin: minor improvements
- REST API postLink: change relative path to absolute path
- Webpack: fix vintage theme images include
- Docker-compose: fix SSL certificate + add parameter for Docker tag
new lines in prefix/suffix to prevent issues with Windows PHP